0261S04678 | 0 261 S04 678 | 03C997032H | 03C 997 032 H| MED17.5.1 | VW Petrol Engine ECU Matching Services (Bosch)


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01373 302412

MED 17.5.1 Bosch Engine ECU Matching Service.

For this service you will need to contact us with your vehicle details, part number and information on the

fault / service you require as each vehicle varies.

Need another service, Cloning - Immobiliser Bypass?  contact us

 We offer Services for part numbers below

0261S04678 | 0 261 S04 678 | 03C997032H

 0261S04118 | 0 261 S04 118 | 03C997032

 0261201699 | 0 261 201 699 | 03C997032M

 0261201540 | 0 261 201 540 | 03C906032F

 0261201539 | 0 261 201 539 | 03C906032D

 0261201353 | 0 261 201 353 | 03C906032A

 0261S04792 | 0 261 S04 792 | 03C906032AK

 0261S04677 | 0 261 S04 677 | 03C997032P

 0261S04681 | 0 261 S04 681 | 03C997032R

 0261S04262 | 0 261 S04 262 | 03C997032D

 0261201768 | 0 261 201 768 | 03C906032Q

 0261S04121 | 0 261 S04 121 | 03C997032C

 0261201541 | 0 261 201 541 | 03C906032H

 0261S04673 | 0 261 S04 673 | 03C997032M

 0261201697 | 0 261 201 697 | 03C906032K

 0261201305 | 0 261 201 305 | 8P1907115A

 0261S04682 | 0 261 S04 682 | 03C997032J

 0261S04676 | 0 261 S04 676 | 03C997032L

 0261S04672 | 0 261 S04 672 | 03C997032N

 0261201698 | 0 261 201 698 | 03C906032L

 0261201355 | 0 261 201 355 | 03C906032E

 0261201320 | 0 261 201 320 | 03C906032B

 0261201771 | 0 261 201 771 | 03C906032P

 0261S04011 | 0 261 S04 011 | 03C906032T

 0261201769 | 0 261 201 769 | 03C906032R

 0261S04791 | 0 261 S04 791 | 03C906032AL

 0261S04679 | 0 261 S04 679 | 03C997032G

 0261S04675 | 0 261 S04 675 | 03C997032Q

 0261S04120 | 0 261 S04 120 | 03C997032B

 0261S04674 | 0 261 S04 674 | 03C997032F

 0261S04655 | 0 261 S04 655 | 03C906032AJ

 0261S04263 | 0 261 S04 263 | 03C997032E


Services: All our services come with a 12 month warranty (Unless stated otherwise)

1 Review

  • 5
    Bypass - Off roader

    Posted by Eddie Johnas on 21st Feb 2020

    Cheers mate, engine running without all the other guff

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