39101-23890 | 39120-23490 | 5WY1A13C | SIMK43 | Siemens Hyundai Coupe | Cloning | Immobiliser Bypass | Bench Tests Services

Siemens - VDO

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 39101-23890 | 39120-23490 | 5WY1A13C | SIMK43 | HYUNDAI COUPE Services

Clone software from original module into replacement:  You will need to send your original and replacement ECU's (clearly marked) if you require this option.

Add Keys:  We can add keys to a replacement ECU making it Plug & Play.

Static Bench Test:  This service is ideal if you have a no communication situation in the vehicle and require clarification. We wave the charge for this test if a clone or matching service is purchased in case of a faulty ECU.

Immobiliser Bypass:  We can bypass the Immobiliser in this ECU.

If you require any assistance please contact us with your part number....




Services: All our services come with a 12 month warranty (Unless stated otherwise)

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