We cover immobiliser bypass for older variants as well as the very latest engine and some Temic transmissions. Contact us with your ecu part numbers and requirements.
Older Variants:
IAW4MV.xx - IAW4BV.xx - IAW4GV.xx - PPD1.3 - PPD1.4 - PPD1.5 - SIMOS3.1 - SIMOS3.2 - SIMOS3.3 - SIMOS3.4 - SIMOS3.5 - SIMOS3PA - SIMOS3PB - SIMOS3PC - SIMOS3PE - SIMOS3PG - SIMOS3XX - SIMOS6.2 - SIMOS6.22A - SIMOS6.24A - SIMOS7.1 - SIMOS8.1 - SIMOS8.2 -S IMOS8.4 - SIMOS8.5 - SIMOS8.6 - SIMOS9.1 - ME7.1.1 - ME7.5 - MED9.1 - MED9.1.1 - MED9.5.1 - MED9.5.10 - ME3.8 - ME3.8.2 - ME3.8.3 - ME5.9.2 - EDC15P - EDC15P+ - EDC15V - EDC15VM+ - EDC16 - EDC16+ - EDC16CP34 - EDC16U1 - EDC16U31 - EDC16U34
Later Bosch Variants:
EDC17C41 - EDC17C46 - EDC17C50 - EDC17C54 - EDC17C56 - EDC17C64 - EDC17C74 - EDC17C76 - EDC17U01 - EDC17U05 - EDC17CP04 - EDC17CP14 - EDC17CP44 - EDC17CP45 - EDC17CP49 - ME17.5.20 - ME17.5.22 - ME17.5.24 - ME17.5.25 - ME17.5.26 - ME17.5.6 - MED17.1 MED17.1.1 - MED17.1.10 - MED17.1.21 - MED17.1.27 - MED17.1.6 - MED17.1.61 - MED17.1.62 - MED17.5 - MED17.5.1 - MED17.5.2 - MED17.5.20 - MED17.5.21 - MED17.5.24 - MED17.5.25 - MED17.5.26 - MED17.5.5 - MG1CS001 - MG1CS002 - MG1CS011 - MG1CS111 - MD1CP004
Later Simos Variants
PCR2.1 - SIMOS8.1 - SIMOS8.2 - SIMOS8.4 - SIMOS8.5 - SIMOS8.6 - SIMOS9.1 - SIMOS10.11 - SIMOS 10.14A - SIMOS10.20 - SIMOS10.22A - SIMOS11.1 - SIMOS12.1 - SIMOS12.2 - SIMOS16.11 - SIMOS16.21 - SIMOS16.X - SIMOS18.1 - SIMOS18.10 - SIMOS18.2 - SIMOS18.3 - SIMOS18.6
TEMIC DSG Transmission:
DQ200 GEN2 - DQ200 MQB - DQ250 GEN2 - DQ250 MQB - ADL381
It is important you carry out the required diagnostic work in the vehicle prior to contacting us for a bypass. Some points you should be aware of, if the immobiliser side of the vehicle has a problem switching off the immobiliser in the engine ecu will not correct dash warnings for immobiliser issues. Neither will it correct locking and window operations where the system is not functioning correctly on line. Switching the immobiliser off in a later ecu which can not currently be cloned for what ever reason. We suggest you find the correct replacement ecu and carry out a basic diagnostic check in the vehicle to make sure you don't have a totally incorrect replacement. If the diagnosis identifies the immobiliser and VIN mismatch are the only obvious problems in situ send us the ecu with the VIN for your vehicle we will modify the software appropriately.
We aim to carry out this work within 24 hours during normal working times.
1 Review
Immobiliser Removed
Cheers Darren, another satisfied customer no more no engine start when the immobiliser does a wobbly.