My Module Is Water damaged Can it Still Be Cloned ?

Water and electrical current are not a good mix.  This said, we see modules that look to be destined for the scrap bin.  In most cases this would be the end, however we go the extra mile in removing memory components and using a wide variety of bench programming devices.  Some of these we have made specifically for the purpose. Most times we are  successful in transferring the data into a supplied or stock replacement module.

If we are unable to clone, we will always look to see how else we can help you get the vehicle running again using a new or used replacement module.

There are an oray of poorly designed vehicles in the market place.  In many cases it is due to finding a space to fit a module.  A water risk assessment button should be added to the designers PC, however regular maintenance and cleaning can help to stop water build up in valleys, like bulk heads and module box's.  Your car electronic module is not designed to be sat in water at any level. The problem will not be the sealing of the case, look at the environment it is fitted in and correct the problem before refitting a replacement.

Below is a common BMW DME / DDE engine ECU, the game is over reading this in the normal manor, we can still help even if the software we remove is corrupt.

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