Porsche Immobiliser Bypass Services

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Porsche Immo Off
Porsche Immobiliser Bypass Services:
Send us part numbers and images so we can help you resolve the problem

Tel: 01373 302412

Bypass services are a solution for modified vehicles or where there is no other way to fix the vehicle correctly. Its important to carry out the appropriate diagnostic work in the vehicle prior to contacting us with your part numbers.
Note: If there is an immobiliser / alarm / BCU system failure our bypass will enable engine start but will not fix the other issues caused by these system failures.

Older Models & Systems Covered: 911, 993, 997 
Immo systems VIM133, VIM145 1994 - 1998
M2.10.1 0261203675 0261203678 0261203679 0261203758
M 5.2  0261204008 0261204377
M5.2.2 0261204605, 996.618.601.04
ME7.2 0261204790, 996.618.605.00
Immo via W-Line Cartronic from 1997 - 2006
ME7.8.x 0261208300 
CAN Cartronic, VIM234, VIM235, VIM236 from 2004 - 2012

Later Systems Covered: MED17 - EDC17 - SDI6 - SDI6.X - SDI7.X - SDI8 - SDI9 - SDI10.1 - SDI10.2 - SDI10.3 - SDI21.XX

Services: All our services come with a 12 month warranty (Unless stated otherwise)

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