Skoda Bosch EDC17C46 Cloning | Immobiliser Bypass | ECU - Immobiliser Matching | 24 Hour Plug & Play ECU Services


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Skoda EDC17C46

We will be able to help you reuse an engine control unit or modify your original, contact us with your requirements.

Our Services Include:
Cloning module to module making a plug and play replacement ready to start the engine.
Immobiliser bypass is the ideal solution when using the engine setup in another vehicle or for off road use. We offer this service for road vehicles which can be a great relief from an unreliable vehicle. The immobiliser display may show a fault, this will be because of the failure in the vehicle network not our bypass. Important to remember your car will start with any key after we have carried out a bypass. Matching a replacement engine control module to your original Cluster / BCU / Keys subject to variants is another service available.




Our work for these engine control units will carry a 12 months warranty unless we otherwise state.

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